About   imageAbout   image

Inhale. Take a Deep breath. 
This is a simple site, a place where together we can simply re-learn the art of healing.

My name is Dr Stephanie Thomas, and I am the Founder of the Zoe-Life family of organisations. Our passion at Zoe-Life is to bring access, life and healing to each community in which we find ourselves

Our South African team works extensively to improve the lives children and youth in Africa, and we are so excited to now have an offering here in the UK :)

Inhale is our UK health offering - we recognise that one of the greatest ways we can serve the communities in the UK is to be able to reduce the pressure on the fabulous NHS and the wonderful health providers who pour themselves out to provide care and treatment.

By offering some preventative support, and support for stress, burnout and trauma, we can hopefully help in some small way to assist people to remain healthy and in that way, reduce some of the burden on the health care system.

This site contains some of the simple products and practices that have been helpful to almost everyone I meet. The blog posts will contain some basic information about how to become healthier.

If you have a group of people in the Wiltshire area that may benefit from TRE, Detox testing or any of our other offerings, please let me know and we can see how best to support.

In addition, we love the idea of intercontinental linking and learning - if you would like to be involved in our work in Africa in some way, please do get in touch and lets see how we can collaborate!

So, take a breath. Inhale with Joy, and just take one step at a time. One new change, one ancient truth embedded. That's all. And Healing will start to surprise you
